The NEW SIUC Free Speech Zone


Are you angry? Confused? Were you censored on the SIUC Facebook page?
Why not document your experience during the strike?
Or you could just make art work that expresses your ideas about the current situation at SIUC.

Please upload any photos, videos, thoughts, scribbles, complaints, etc. to social media sites and send us the links to add to this collective space — the real Free Speech Zone at SIUC!

Email us the URL:


  1. I am a 2007 graduate in the Master of Social Work program at SIUC. I posted on the Facebook page a simple question: “Why are the comments from past and current students and faculty being removed from the SIUC Facebook main page?” My comment was removed in 6 minutes. I have the screen shots to prove it.

    My comment was neither offensive, nor inflammatory, yet it was removed. Why was I censored?

  2. Melissa J. says:

    My comment was removed because they said it was negative. My comment read, ” if professors look at the economy of Carbondale and the many people living on the streets and without jobs perhaps they would think twice about a raise. Carbondale is a small town and home to two homeless shelter. Many of the professors bring in 6-figures salaries… People are tapped out..we cant give you what they dont have…” if you are in the teaching business TEACH…social workers can never go on strike…we have to keep helping others…

    • mt says:

      Melissa, I am not sure if you are aware, but the Faculty are NOT asking for raises, in fact we turned them down until the university is financially solvent because we did not want to see tuition go up yet again. Also, I am not sure where you are getting your numbers, but the MAJORITY of faculty do not bring in 6 figure salaries (those that do tend to be in the administration).

  3. HD says:

    As ironic as it may be, or sound: this strike is bringing the faculty closer together–or at least the striking faculty together. I am meeting colleagues that I never would have, discovering amazingly interesting and wonderful people that I never would have, if the strike hadn’t happened. As much as I don’t like the strike, I love the camaraderie that it naturally nurtures.

    • mjk says:

      I spent a couple hours Thursday AM on one of the picket lines. Some of the best conversation & discussion of the semester!

  4. HD says:

    Here’s a note from Ron Naverson, Professor in Theater, about a friend in another university.

    Folks, I have just learned from one of my colleagues at another university that they are facing a similar situation in terms of bad faith negotiations with their administration. It seems what we are are fighting for is not just a local fight. I quote my friend below without revealing his name to protect him from reprisals by his administration. “Ron, We are locked in a similar pitched battle with our administration, except we have no union protection, so we’re even more susceptible to draconian tactics, even though we are a college that is supposedly for ‘social justice’ Many colleges and universities are looking to SIU-C for leadership and inspiration. Please let your faculties know this. We support you and hope your strike, which we understand had to be a last resort because of bad-faith bargaining by the administration, is successful.” Be glad that we have a union to help us in our fight!

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